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Land of a Thousand Hills Coffee

Listing Details

image of coffee from Land of a Thousand Hills in Forsyth County

Land of a Thousand Hills Coffee

Rwanda --> ATL
Your daily choice of quality coffee brings life-changing work to communities in Rwanda.
Drink Coffee. Do Good.®
@1000hillscoffee on Instagram
Our Collaborative Trade philosophy begins by providing a fair wage to our farmers. We see coffee as our highway of trade into a community. From there, we have the opportunity to build relationships. Collaborative Trade champions the direct needs of our partner villages, building upon their God-given talent and equipping them to be better coffee growers. We believe forgiveness and reconciliation take root when people seize hope. When you buy our coffee you help families provide for themselves, you build homes for orphans, give care to widows, and most importantly, give hope to our coffee communities.

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